Release: 25 November 2011
Length: 2 Hours
Genre: Action | Comedy
Description: Its the year of economic recession and the whole world has been struck by the financial meltdown except Nick Mathur and Jerry Patel who don`t feel any discomfort in their lives in London. Nick gloats about his job as an investment banker and his beautiful fiancé, Radhika while Jerry is too used to living off his friend Nick that there is no question of feeling any financial crunch. But life has its own way of teaching us how not to get complacent with what we have today for it may not remain tomorrow. Nick and Jerry stop smiling smugly the day Nick`s company starts downsizing and unceremoniously fires him. Desi Boyz is the story of two men who are compelled to go beyond the usual and do something extremely bizarre to fetch them instant gratification but the repercussions tear them apart jeopardizing their friendship.
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