Papparoti an international chain for buns launched on 2nd of February 2013 at Dolmen Mall Clifton Karachi. In order to appeal the taste of Karachi citizens you will notice difference. The magic of the buns begins from the moment you sink your teeth as the crunchy layer at top of bun is derived from a creamy concoction, an absolute testament to the brand’s appeal. The signature buns are created with a technique passions and devotion to quality. 

Pappa Roti Opening from MovieShoovy on Vimeo.

A bakery-café theme provides the options for a customer to stay and enjoy the coffee-coated buns with delicious beverages even you can carry and enjoy bun, drinks and coffee on the go. PappaRoti an international chain for buns and an array of options for coffee and beverages, held the grand opening ceremony arranged by CATALYST PR& MARKETING the following guest were present on the event.

Malaysian Consul General Mr. Abu Bakar Mamat was guest of honor, VJ Zhalay Sarhadi in MANGOS DRESSES was the chief guest for the ribbon cutting ceremony, Zahdan Group representative along with famous names like Maheen Khan, Kamran Khan, Mr. Abid Umer, Catalyst PR & Marketing was represented by CEO Frieha Altaf wearing Fashion Flair & Jewellery Tapulicious, socialities, Media and social Media witness the cutting ceremony on the launch of first ever of Papparoti store in Pakistan.

The Papparoti brand was launched in 2oo3. It is the flagship Café of Papparoti Trading Sdn. Bhd and Papparoti (M) Sdn Bhd Malaysia. Papparoti has set up over 400 café and kiosks across the globe. Starting from Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Australia and now in Pakistan. In Pakistan the exclusive rights to open nationwide chain of Papparoti are acquired by Zahdan Retail, a company of Zahdan Group (PVT) Ltd.  


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