Zindagi Teray Bina

The story revolves around the families of two brothers, Waqar Ahmad and Iqrar Ahmad. Waqar’s wife Safia is an ill-mannered and difficult woman and is always squabbling with Iqrar’s wife Samia. After the sudden death of Iqrar, his wife and kids are left devastated. Owing to his wife’s unpleasant nature, Waqar begins to be attracted towards Samia. What shocking turn will this story take?

Starting from 30th Dec 2013
Directed By:       Azfar Ali
Written By:         Wasi Shah
Production:        Pivot Production
Time and Date: Monday – 8:00PM
Cast:                      Noman Ejaz, Sameena Mumtaz, Nadia Afghan, Rida Isfhani, Imran Ashraf
